
tooth repair in one day

Dr. Raymond E. LaVigne practices dentistry in Palatine, Illinois. His specialties are cosmetic dentistry, dental implants, and patient education. This article focuses on the concept of repairing a tooth and/or dental implant in one day's worth of procedures. There are many pros and cons to this practice. 

While it may seem tempting to have all of your teeth problems fixed in one day, this may not be the healthiest reality.

For example, the procedure of placing 6 implants, allowing 4-6 months for healing and later delivering a full denture that is screwed down over the implants has been a successful treatment option for over 10 years.

Recently, the concept has been advanced to placement of the implants immediately after extracting remaining teeth and also placement of the denture attached to those implants in the same visit. In addition, reducing the number of implants to 4 has been used.

This works wonders for some patients who qualify for this major treatment. However. there are many who cannot have this same treatment regimen. In order for the "all on four, teeth in one day" to be realized, there are indications and prohibited conditions. In order for implants to be placed immediately following extractions in general:

The teeth being extracted must either be distant enough from the implant sites or the bone must be adequate to allow an implant wider and f or longer than the extraction site. There should be no active infection.

Although prosthetic teeth are placed immediately, there must be absolute compliance by the patient with regard to eating extremely softly for the recommended time frame. There must also be provision made to prevent the effect of bruxism (teeth grinding during sleep) from damage to and failure of the implants healing within the bone.

The total surgical and restorative procedure is at a fairly high cost in a short period of time. Even with zero percent financing, some patients find this difficult to fit into their overall budget.

The good news is that there are other options for patients to consider. Rather than make a quantum leap to a denture loaded upon 4 implants in one appointment, patients can elect to go much more gradually. As an example, teeth can be extracted one or a few at a time. Implants can be placed one or two at a time. Extraction sites can be allowed to heal and Implants can be left unloaded in the traditional fashion for at least 3 months. The patient is fitted with a temporary partial denture or temporary plastic fixed bridges. These can be modified as the treatment progresses. Implants that have been confirmed as integrated into bone can then be used as' anchors while additional teeth are extracted and more implants placed.

The above approach allows for treatment to be phased in over a much longer time frame. While the concept of everything done quickly is appealing to some, it is not for everyone.

The advantages of the gradual phase in method are as follows:

1) Conservatively allowing time for healing of extraction wounds, bone grafts, implants
and confirming this stability before relying on their support for chewing.

2) Extend financing even further by doing the treatment in smaller phases still possibly using zero percent financing.

3) Avoiding complications from infection, night clenching.
4) Give patient opportunity to gradually become acclimated to having implants and doing the necessary daily care before they invest in everything on 4 - 6 implants.

5) Allow more opportunity to make adjustments to the appearance and occlusion (bite) by a more gradual transition and ability to do more try in visits before the prosthesis is completed.

Thank you for reading,
Dr. Ray

Dr. Raymond E. LaVigne DDS is a practicing dentist in the Chicagoland area for over 30 years.

Please call our Palatine, IL dental office for an appointment: 847-359-1292.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

This seems like a really interesting service. Great article. Thank you.

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